Friday, March 14, 2008

Notes from a week of work at Harvest Market

Following are some things I noticed or heard at my job the last week or so. I am presenting them sans analysis; just putting them out here as is, for you to make of them what you will.

* "Weird and Slightly Scary Product Name" Department
Last week I went down to the kitchen to get something from the walk-in and I noticed a single brown cardboard box (mixed in on a shelf of Honey Graham Cracker crumb boxes) with the following product description printed on the end:

* "No, actually, they're the one item on this counter that sucks" department
Exchange with a customer at the pastry counter:
Customer: And what are those?
Me: That's a maple biscuit.
Customer: Oh. Are they good?

* "I don't know... you tell ME, lady" department
"So," a woman asked my co-worker David as he stood at the deli, "what is the difference between the big salami and the small salami?"

* "Nope! Psych! I don't!" department
"So," I said to the customer as I surveyed the scattered items she'd just bought and paid for, "would you like a bag to carry all this stuff?"
"Yeah," she said, "if you have one."

Future updates as events warrant.

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