Saturday, August 18, 2007


My email provider (AOL), like most, has spam filters, and potentially useless messages get shunted into a separate folder, segregated from my "legitimate" mail, ostensibly, I suppose, so that an infection doesn't spread. I learned early on that, every so often, it's a good idea to check that spam folder to make sure that nothing I really want to read has gotten routed to the wrong folder, which is what I did first thing this morning.

There were six messages in my SPAM FOLDER. Because of column widths, I couldn't read the entire subject lines of these messages (not that I needed to: it's usually a good bet that messages from email addresses like jufuikl69 and Yourci alis! can just get tossed), so only the first few words of each subject line were visible. I didn't expand the width of the subject field, so all I saw was the first few words of each subject line... to wit:

Don't worry, be happy!
Don't worry, be happy!
Don't worry, be happy!

There's something in there, but I'm a novelist, not a poet.

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